Holiday Workshops
Clay Dogs
Linking to the exhibition 'A Dog's Life' by Michael Leunig and Jacqueline Mitelman
Peg People
Linking to the exhibition '18th Century Porcelain Figures'
Contour Line Drawing Portraits
Drawing In Response to Music
Ringwood Heights Primary School, Tuesday 8th October
An Exhibition by Year 5&6 Artists and MGSE Secondary Art and Design Education Artists
C+AARP is a relational artmaking project that invites child-artists and adult-artists to practice within an art exchange. The theme for the 2019 exchange was INSIDE|OUTSIDE and the project invited all artists (child and adult) to make artworks that respond to this theme and then 'swap'. This exchange of works is then responded to again by each child and adult, with each child and adult paired up - they receive your 1st INSIDE|OUTSIDE artwork and you receive theirs, and then you both each respond making a response artwork.
The project concluded with a workshop and exhibition in which both child and adult artist met, collaborated and exhibited. This workshop included drawing a collaborative artist map. This encompassed artist journeys thinking about the artists that you know, the places that you’ve been as artists, the stories that you have, the people that have helped you become the artist that you are to design a series of C+AARP ca/r/tographics. These was completed using metaphors and a range of drawing materials. They were then exhibited alongside all artworks and responses that were created within the project.