Walking and Mapping ThroughÂ
Lesson 8 - Understanding Country and Landscape: Documenting and Reflecting
This lesson focuses on the notion of cite-ation and Country. Through the act of walking upon, in and through Country, one can embrace the land and the characteristics surrounding them. We can document this in many different ways. Through art, song and literature. Students are encouraged to reflect on the Country in which they live and attend school. In response, they are able to acknowledge Country and recognise the true depth of history, meaning and importance the land holds. Finally, students can discover and recognise the traditional owners of the land, their practices and traditions. As we document land, we see the importance of the flora and fauna that live within. We establish an understanding of the inner cycle that sits within Country and our place within it.
Key Overview & Focus:
Within this lesson, students will take a variety of painting materials out with them as the walk and map country. Students are encouraged to document and map the landscape, flora and fauna around them in the style of their choice. They may wish to paint with acrylic, water colour or oils. They will complete a variety of artworks as they visit different locations and consider diverse landscapes.
Links to the Victorian Curriculum:
Visual Art
Conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions (VCAVAV043)
Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and technologies and processes in a range of art forms to express ideas, concepts and themes ( VCAVAV042)
Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can be conveyed to an audience (VCAVAP044)
Analyse, interpret and evaluate a range of visual artworks from different cultures, historical and contemporary contexts, including artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to explore differing viewpoints (VCAVAR046)
Outcomes & Assessment:
Students will exhibit their paintings of the land at the end of the class. Students will be encouraged to make decisions regarding the placement and position of their final pieces and how they are displayed within the classroom setting. Students will then observe their peers installations as a collective in critique conditions (2mins Silence, 3mins Objective and 3mins Subjective). Students will then be given the option to communicate their personal ideas and thought processes behind their works if they feel comfortable.
Major Artists:
Les Back
Elizabeth Armstrong
Ngamaru Bidu, Yikartu Bumba, Kumpaya Girgirba, Thelma Judson, Janice Yuwali Nixon, RR (Reena Rodgers), Karnu (Nancy Taylor) and Nola Taylor.
Painting With Line
Lesson 9: Selecting Lines and Painting Reflections
The ‘Painting with Line’ lesson leads on from the ‘Soft Pastel Drawing’ lesson found within Drawing. This concept allows students to study and observe sections of an already made artwork and to promote reflection. By selecting a single section of the artwork and re-creating it through the use of a different medium, students are able to observe the overall composition of the artwork and how proportions can change the reading of a work. Further to this, students will be encouraged to play with colour as they aim to re-create the same colours found within their pastel drawings. Finally, they will be exposed to layering and how some of their lines can be painted over others to recreate the original work.
Key Overview & Focus:
Within this lesson, students will take photographs of their original soft pastel drawings and select one small section of the work to focus on. They will then be given a small piece of rectangular 400gms card and some masking tape. The students will be given instruction that they must tape some areas of the card in order to create a boarder around their paintings that will allow room on the card for written reflection. Students will then mix colours of paint together to re-create the same colours found within the photo and paint on the card to form a replica of their images. Finally, students will write on the card a short reflection stating how they achieved the artwork, their feelings and mood and the overall process.
Links to the Victorian Curriculum:
Visual Art
Conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions (VCAVAV043)
Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and technologies and processes in a range of art forms to express ideas, concepts and themes ( VCAVAV042)
Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can be conveyed to an audience (VCAVAP044)
Line Informing Landscape
Lesson 10: Painting Landscapes from Line Drawings
The ‘Line Informing Landscape’ lesson leads on from the ‘Drawing in Response to Music’ lesson found within Drawing. This concept allows students to further enhance their previously made artworks through adaptation and manipulation. Within this lesson, students are exposed to the concepts of mapping and landscapes through shapes and colours. They are encouraged to draw inspiration from their ‘Walking and Mapping Through Country’ artworks. Finally, students will be able to observe how artworks can be further enhanced and modified through layering mediums and incorporating diverse concepts.
Key Overview & Focus:
Within this lesson, students will cut out sections of the ‘Drawing in Response to Music’ butchers paper panel so that they have one section each. They will then retrieve their ‘Walking and Mapping Through Country’ artworks to gain inspiration. Students will use acrylic paints to layer over the top of their charcoal drawings whilst keeping country and landscape in mind.
Links to the Victorian Curriculum:
Visual Art
Conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions (VCAVAV043)
Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and technologies and processes in a range of art forms to express ideas, concepts and themes ( VCAVAV042)
Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can be conveyed to an audience (VCAVAP044)